Friday, January 20, 2012


Yesterday I took a boda boda from the junction at Yako to Nakumat, about a 30 bob trip.  In the course of being here I have been charged everything from 30 bob to, "even a thousand is o.k."  I only had a hundred note, so as my rider was looking for change, I told him, that's o.k., it is a tip.  "It is a ?  He looked at me laughing.  No, no, it's o.k., it is a tip.  More laughing.  A gift, it's for you, an offer.

Laughing quite histerically now.  "At least let me give you something small".  More laughing as he handed me a 50 note.

There is hope after all! 


  1. There is always hope, lovey. It is the only thing we are promised. The rest we work for. xoxo

  2. One drop of hope, I know... sometimes the drops are a little hard to notice
