I hired a couple dirt-bikes (w/ drivers Mark and Robert) to take us (Matano and I) out to the protected springs to do a "surprise visit" / spot-check. Its been 4 days since they started and I wanted to see the progress, make a video of the "during" part of the building and generally learn more about the stages and construction. Also, we just issued our first payment from the Rotary account and I wanted to make sure I knew where the money was going...AND remind communities to pitch in with lunches and materials, see if any problems ETC. So for $10 I hired two bikers for a four hours.
It was well worth it. And everything checked out well. We rhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifeached 5 springs. We got lost a couple times, the dirt-bikes had some trouble http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifspots. Usinghttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif the GPS worked out well, I knew when we were close, but it was tricky to find the right path. You can see how gnarly the terrain was from the video below.
The lady pictured is carrying sand for the spring with a basket on her head.
Video of my surprise visit for Spring number 1, Isembe ("caught" everyone working hard):
Bonus farm catfish video (90 seconds) from our trip to Kisumu the other day.
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