Terry here. Jan 2, 2012.
I finally slept last nite from 830pm to 4am. Read til about 6am then went for a quick drinky poo of juice b4 my run. Ran into my economist buddy from Harvard. Got delayed chatting to him. I argued that stimulus spending doesnt work unless your goal is to get re elected. He argued that he thinks more stimulus (ie whats called teh Jobs Bill, stimulus is no longer a fashionable word in Washigton) is needed. Ah well, we'll see (translation: I'm right, he's wrong).
I would really like to go to Somalia with him tomorrow. Chatting to him and another guy from Toronto yesterday at elephant rescue place got me excited. They both go to war-torn countries. The Toronto guy takes his family because its super cheap and you get the run of the place. As I ran this morning I thought my dream job would be foreign correspondent for Runners World. They would pay my flights and give me a card and I would run through war-torn countries and report out. Who would arrest and torture a innocent jogger? I'll have to write up some stories and pitch it to them.
Afterwards I retraced a run from 3 years ago on my then last morning in Kenya. Then I was mosquito-bitten and my left ankle was full of cuts and puss- all taped up to fit in my runner. So today was a breeze; I'm wearing my socks pulled up as a preventative measure. There is a jungle park about 2 km from downtown. Its called The Arbotoreum. Hilly trails zig zag thru steep brush. Fantastic run, lots of monkeys. I did about 1:10 then came back to have brekky with Tanya. This hotel food is pretty good.
People often ask what we eat here. Now I remember: curry with rice or chapti, fried 'kale" with chapati, samosas, toast, nuts and junkfood with chai tea and coffee with lots of sugar.
Today we leave for airport at 1pm for Kakamega. Then the Rotary work starts. Im looking forward to it- all this self-pleasuring tourism is getting a bit much. Did Tanya mention that border guys did not check to see if we had vaccines? Again. Yup, so dont believe public nurses who say you must get vaccinated to enter African countries. I regret getting the Yellow Fever vax 3 years ago (made me ill for a week), but at least I said NO to the other $700 worth they wanted me to take, and NO to any malaria medication. We'll see how it works out because this trip I plan on working in the mud alot more- which is exactly what they warn against.
Did Tanya mention our driver yesterday? James got wiped out business-wise in Kisumu by a mob that burned him out. He now has a small farm near Nairobi and |Im gonna visit him on our way home to start a fish pond.
Dont tell Tanya, but Iam still looking for a way to get to the Somali border before we go. Maybe if I splurge and send her on a safari with a friend....hmmm
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