As I ran by the little girl pictured above this morning I heard the barest audible of whispered "Howareyou?"'s. Her fear could not quell her training to be polite. She is in her Sunday best holding a flower.
We met with KASFOOC, the Community Based Org (CBO), for 3.5 hours yesterday. We went for lunch at little banda shown above. We relayed info from Rotary Club about how the spring project will proceed. One of the contractors was also present. We will reduce the cost of each spring by having community gather sand and stones and supply labourers with lunch. This will give them skin in the game. At each of 3 stages of building I will supply RC with certificate verifying stage has been reached so more money will be doled out. We also advised that we will start in the area that KASFOOC recommends as most needy. Tan and I will visit this area Monday morning to ensure community has gathered materials and they are good quality and they are ready for contractors soon-hopefully Wednesday. Seeing us will hopefully convince community that this is real. Various politicians and churches have broken promises before. I will make a video documentary showing all stages of spring construction.
We also talked extensively about feed, fingerlings and Virtues training for fish farm co-op. We will be travelling to Kisumu so I can meet suppliers and get a feel for logistics. This will cost about $90.00 to hire a car for the day, but I think it is a good investment. To get these farmers to next level, ie multiple crops per year, we need to move towards monosex stock and good feed at lowest cost.
We also gave KASFOOC 15000 KSh (~180 CDN) of our own money for their own discretion as well as for administration. We want them to have the funds for paper, photos, photocopying, internet, cell airtime etc to keep Rotary happy by staying on top of communities and contractors throughout project. There will also be money leftover to give food and supplies to the widow families they care for.
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