Friday, February 17, 2012

Just Another Day

Started the day with a visit to local fish farmer Joyce Makaka- nursery pens hold the newborn fry inside larger pond

Tanya looks at Tilapia broodstock being fed

Right after fish farm visit back on the motorcycle to our 3rd Hygiene training session.

After I gave my rousing speech at training I went back out to inspect more finished springs.

Happy customers, should spend alot less time being sick in the future.

The bag is to protect the cement.  The Chlorine dispenser was just installed by IPA, an NGO doing a big scale study.

This is the driest time of the year, so any water now is a very good thing.

Back to the training session to hand out 62 certificates (they LOVE certificates here) with Rtn Grace

They all have evidence that they now have been trained by the Dept of Health of how to maintain these protected springs


  1. Hi Terry and Tanya,
    Great to see your adventure and follow along on so many cool things like schools, market, streets, biking...and baboons!
    This is Jen Harvey, Glenn and Cindy's oldest daughter... on my way to Africa this summer through the Jane Goodall Institute and looking for more service opportunities. Any connections possible with your water projects or education?

  2. Lots of Kenya connections. We will be back at the end of March and would be happy to meet to hear your plans and see who you might want to connect with. Tanya's email is Terry is

  3. Lots of Kenya connections. We will be back at the end of March and would be happy to meet to hear your plans and see who you might want to connect with. Tanya's email is Terry is
